Photo Manipulation and Ethics

Some of the main points that i read about in the website regarding the manipulation images are With issues like this to weigh along with countless others and including but not nearly limited to, upper-management pressure, ratings pressures, employee pressure and more.

The philosophy of newspapers like the Washington post and the New York time regarding image manipulation is increasing ease, editors, photographers, and just about any Joe-shmo can open up Photoshop and wreak havoc on the ethics of hardworking journalists.

i think the acceptable things i could do to an image and not cross the line unto an unethical manipulation is anything to do to make the image to look better then how it actually looks in the regular image. 
Kim Kardashian was featured on the cover of Complex Magazine. The original cover (left) was leaked. The photoshopped version (right) is on newstands now.
I feel like this is unethical because it shows the differences between the real picture and the one that was edited. Another thing i feel like this is unethical is because you can tell that by her hands and her breast that they made her breast bigger by seeing the space there is in between the hand and the breast. 
I feel like this is the least unethical because there is not that much change in these pictures. The only change is the age and the background of the picture.


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