Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

1.) Something that first caught my eye while looking at the photographers photos is on how some places are really dark and the other places are not. There is no particular photo that i liked because they are all really good but if i would have to choose one will be the one bellow because i like it how there is a lot of stuff of black and white and there is kinda the same amount of black and white in the picture.

Barber School

2.) In one of the pictures i see a guy smoking and I smell the burn of the cigaret going through the air. I hear people screaming and yelling for help for their children and a guy playing music on his guitar. What i would taste while i was taking the picture is all the dust and sand going everywhere while people are running and trying to get where they are suppose to go or want to go. If i was there i would of felt scared and worried for my kids not trying to get hurt and trying to keep them save.

3.) I would like to create a picture with people laughing having fun in a party or at the park and making sure they are having fun.


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