American Soldier

A. The most powerful image from the pictures printed in the Denver post over the three weeks published images from the year of coverage is the first one because it shows that he is worried about not coming home or if he will be able to see his family again.

B. The images work together to tell a story by having the people have the same expressions as what the caption says. 

C. The captions enhance the photographs by the details and you can find out more information you don't know by looking at the picture. 

D. Lan Fisher only spent two days in the army, thinking if he wanted to stay or go back home. But then he became 17 and said he would join the army. He graduated, didn't care about the ceremony but he couldn't think in nothing else other than his diploma, what the diploma could of done for him in the future. 

E. The verbs are written in the past and present tense. 

1. there is about 2-3 sentences
2. They all pervade what, who, where, and when. 
3. It provides more information about it. 
4. If there was a 3rd sentence it would include a quote. 
5. Yes
6. Don't think so. 

G. It could be possible to tell a story from the pictures and captions because they tell information and show details that you can not usually get from a picture. If there is enough information you can get what's happening by just looking at the picture. 

H. You can write a story and make it more specific or more detailed. 


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